Per chi sa leggere l’inglese un nostro socio e amico storico ha pubblicato un testo di sicuro interesse per chi si occupa di tematiche legate alle energie sottili.
A scientist and initiate into shamanic practices tries to reconcile science and spirit in his personal theory of nearly everything.
This book was written by a professional scientist who is also an artist and an initiate into several esoteric disciplines. It offers a different approach to reality than much “New Age” literature which usually ignores the dramatic change in perspective offered by Science in recent years. The text may even help “scientific sceptics” to think twice before rejecting human experience outside the current confines of “objective knowledge”.
The author’s search for a “Theory of Nearly Everything” (TONE) required a return to subjective knowledge, where he sought common ground between the natural world and the Spirit while respecting both. Exploring the sensory capabilities of the body and esoteric energy practices convinced him that many aspects of mysticism or spirituality are real phenomena, even if not embraced by Science. He explains why this dichotomy is likely to continue through an investigation into “Silent Knowledge”, using dowsing to explore the energy inherent in objects and language…
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